There's nothing quite like those crisp autumn nights by the fire pit, cozying up on your favorite chaise or outdoor sofa. But while the falling leaves may bring a warm feeling of joy and contentment to you, they also signify that your patio furniture is susceptible to harmful elements that cause both short-term and long-term damage.

Damage from Leaves

If the trees in your backyard shed all of their leaves in the fall, it's essential to the health of your furniture that you keep it protected. Leaves can stain the fabric on your cushions and also trap moisture, causing mold and mildew. If you find your cushions have been stained, you can use a mild dish soap or detergent with a soft bristle brush to try and ease the damage. Learn how to clean outdoor cushions and pillows.

Damage from Rain

Although your outdoor furniture is made to be tough against the elements, the cooler weather means moisture from rain won't dry as quickly. This again can cause water to build up and promote mold growth.

Damage from Rodents

Fall is when critters begin their search for a winter home. Squirrels, birds and mice will be ready to store food and hunker down anywhere that protects them from the cold, including your grill and patio furniture.

While damaging, all the hazards autumn brings are easily preventable if your outdoor furniture is properly protected. By having an endless variety of covers to choose from, we are prepared to safeguard your outdoor lifestyle so you can enjoy it through all seasons.

Shop our selection of Patio Furniture Covers, Grill Covers, TV Covers, and Vehicle Covers to ensure your valuables stay safe this fall.

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